

On whether ecumenism is practised in Nigeria, many believe that ecumenism is practised in Nigeria. Christians in Nigeria are aware of efforts at Christian unity. Though in a multi-religious society like that in Nigeria we are conscious of the tendency of Christian disunity. This is so in a Nigerian society where in the immediate and extended family circle members may belong to two or more religious denominations.

“On whether the Catholic Church in
Nigeria is generally interested in ecumenism,
agreater percentage of Christians of
different denominations held that it
was the Catholic Church that was
responsible for ecumenical initiatives in Nigeria.”

From the result of general survey, it is dear that ecumenism is on in Nigeria. The search for the unity of all Christians is a pastoral priority of the Catholic Church, and must be part of any meaningful evangelization. In Nigeria there were cases of ecumenical cooperation in the societies, but they did not last.
assessing inter-denominational
Relationships in Nigeria in the eighties Tustin anaele says,

“Christianity in Nigeria, as far as
inter-denominational relationships are
concerned is heavily Characterized by
Fear, religious intolerance and struggle
For influence and pre-eminence.”

The 1984 National seminar on Evangelization could be said to be the catholic perception and interpretation in Nigeria, but the seminar failed to offer practical suggestions to improve the situation. For instance, the participants grouped other Christians into Anglican communion (I. e main line protestants) and fundamentalist Christians, S. U (scripture union), C. U (Christian union) etc. One can rightly say that, just as the ecumenical movement owes it’s origin to the exigencies of evangelization, so is the Islamic threat to the survival of Christianity in Nigeria responsible for the recent interest in ecumenical cooperation. It is providential that socio-political developments are also motivating forces for cooperation, but there are more fundamental reasons. It is a fundamental obligation of all Christians to work for Christian unity. According to Vatican 11

“The concern for restoring unity involves
the whole church, faithful and clergy alike.
It extends to everyone according to the
talent of each, whether it be exercised
in daily Christian living or in historial
and theological studies”
For as long as Christianity remains divided, it is an essential part of Christian vocation to work for unity. Only on this conviction could a lasting and more meaningful foundation be laid for a distinctively Christian inter- denominational relationship. Grounded on this awareness and concern, cooperation in other spheres should find a solid and permanent basis. It quite obvious everyone that disunity goes clearly contrary to Christ’s intentions for his followers. It confuses the minds of many people and makes them despair of ever getting to know what Christian truth is in its fullness and perfection.

“In recent ecumenical efforts, emphasis is
laid on those things that are common to all
christians like the bible, common prayers, common
use of church buildings, good-neighbor attitude
and co-operation dialogue etc”

Today there are many voices suggesting that we forget our difference.
However, at last we are learning that we must live together in charity. For us Nigerians the ecumenical movement must go further than that it is at the movement of being conceived, planned and pursued. It must lead to a complete or total unity that was once our patrimony. But we all realize that this is a problem which for centuries has plagues other nations of the world. According to Vatican 11

“We must become familiar with the
outlook of our separated brethren. Study is
absolutely required for this, and it should
be pursued in fidelity to the truth
and with a spirit of good will”

There is need for the striving to live together in charity though the ecumenical movement in the Nigeria church. For us Nigerians the ecumenical movement must go further than it is at the movement it was conceived, planned and pursued. It must lead to a complete love, understanding, mutual cooperation and unity among Christians.

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