

Training: Training essentially involves exercising or repetition. We exercise say the mind or the body for a specific purpose. Often we hear of military training, physical training, vocation training, teachers’ training. These are exercises on specific faculties in order to develop them for a particular purpose. Thus it is narrower concept than education, even though it may be educational. Education of includes training as the case of a child being trained to memorize some facts as a preparation for her education. It is actually a process of imparting to someone some skills necessary for the performance of some specific operations or set of activities which may be mental, physical, etc. it is discovered that often the trainee is unaware of the principles on which what he does depends. In our society, this process of education is found in most apprenticeship system of learning. A vulcanizer received training on how to fix up motor tyres but not why motor tyres get burst at a time.
Initiation: Peter had said that education is “a process of initiation” intiation denotes the form or ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society; mode of entrance into an organized body; especially, the rite of admission into a secret society or order. (Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913). But education considers initiation as the process that exposes the child to specific formal situations that are much more organized than what is obtainable in his informal environment. He is iniated into reading skills, writing, social etiquette, etc.
Instructionalism: the idea of instructionalism in education derives from etymological definition of the verb, ”to instruct” According to Ducasse, to instruct is to build into the mind knowledge of facts, relations, rules or principle of one kind or another. It is a complementary to training. We talk of training instructor and not training teacher. See it as the handing down of some set of facts instruction to someone who is considered inferior, the instructor is the superior and the custodian of knowledge.
It may be said that indoctrination is a term mostly found within corridors of religious education where the aim is to change one’s creed. Often times the learner takes a passive position as he is not involved in his education. “indoctrination is a kind of education and teaching whereby the learner has no say but only accept what the teacher tells him” (S.A.Okafor,1988:13). It can also be viewed in a similar light as a form of programming into the mind some set beliefs, ideologies, etc. Most religious education takes this form as there is no room for the learner to actively contribute but accepts whatever the teacher gives as truth. The method of teaching is dogmatic.
Compared to education, education promotes and encourages critical thinking while indoctrination stifles inquiry. Nwabuisi’s commentary is quite ad rem here. He writes: “In education one carries one carries experimental research to prove or disprove what is taught, one discuses and questions the teacher so that one can have greater understanding and knowledge of what is taught”(E.M. Nwabuisi 19--:10)
We have seen the meaning of instruction, training, indoctrination, conditioning, etc and what they hold for education. Now we shall consider “teaching” It is a common term in the street but the authentic meaning when it is considered within education is not common to all.

The art of teaching is itself taught in Germany. In England it is acknowledged in the case of the elementary schools that teaching is an art, and that it is as absurd to put a man in front of a class to teach it if he has himself given no thought and had no instruction as to the principles of teaching, as it would be to set a man to paint a picture who had no instruction as to mixing colours and as to the proper use of his brushes (M. A.Nesbit, 1904:1-6)

Nesbit intends to remind us that teaching is not an arbitrary exercise. It is according to J.D Oko a deliberate and conscious exercise which involves “effort by a mature or experienced person to impart information, knowledge, skills and so on, to an immature or less experienced person with the intention that the latter will learn or come to believe what he is taught on good grounds” (J.Oko, 1998:71) smith cite by Amaele says thatteaching is “a process of interaction between teacher and students; a way of working with subjects matter of instruction , and a system of action intended to produce learning”(Amaele 2003:70) o
Teaching produces learning and education. In teaching, the students has knowledge and understanding of the facts of knowledge and he can conveniently lean on it to solve personal or social problems. This why it is said to lead to education.

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